Avoiding Boiler Breakdowns
Keeping your home warmer and your bills lower
Living in a hard water area has a huge effect on how efficient your boiler is. It takes longer to heat your home and, in a really cold spell, may never get to full temperature. Leaving you literally out in the cold.
Your boiler contains a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat produced by the gas to your water. All the water in your central heating system passes through the heat exchanger and is heated up as it does so.
As your water supply flows around the radiators and water pipes in your home, it cools gradually. So it’s passed back through the heat exchanger once more, to heat up again and keep you toasty.
If your heat exchanger isn’t working properly, your home won’t get warm and your hot water will take much longer to heat up, leaving you washing in cold or tepid water for a while.
Your boiler contains a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat produced by the gas to your water. All the water in your central heating system passes through the heat exchanger and is heated up as it does so.
As your water supply flows around the radiators and water pipes in your home, it cools gradually. So it’s passed back through the heat exchanger once more, to heat up again and keep you toasty.
When the boiler is new, water flows freely through the heat exchanger, picking up the heat transferred from the gas as it goes.
But in a hard water area, the heat exchanger will pick up minerals form the water. Calcium and magnesium will bind together and attach themselves to the inside of the heat exchange, causing it to fur up just like a kettle does.
With your heat exchanger not working properly, your home won’t get warm and your hot water will take much longer to heat up, leaving you washing in cold or tepid water for a while.
You’ll just accept that’s how the boiler is and put up with being chilly – but there IS something you can do about it!
Obviously, one thing you can do is get someone in to look at the boiler. With the average boiler repair costing around £250 and a replacement boiler starting at £1,800 and rising up to over £4,000 that’s a very expensive option.
It’s far cheaper to switch to install a water softener, which strips those minerals out of your water supply before they even reach the heat exchanger in the first place.
“But isn’t the damage already done?” you may be wondering… Actually, no! The amazing truth is, soft water will remove all the scale and fur from your boiler within 6 months. It erodes the mineral build-ups and leaves your whole system clear of scale within 2 years.
So if your home isn’t as warm as you’d like during the colder months of the year, we may be able to save you a lot of money.
Get in touch today to arrange a free demonstration of a water softener. We’ll visit at a time convenient to you and show you some practical examples of just how a water softener can help your home and family.
95% of people who try out a water softener never look back – and they don’t sit around shivering in the evenings either!